Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ancient Temples and Our Search for Paradise

After enduring a 6 hour bus ride (which was a cultural experience in itself) we arrived at Siem Reap, Cambodia, ready to be awed by the temples of Angkor Wat. We hired a guide and tuk-tuk driver and hit the temples early the next morning. My favourite was Ta Prohm. The massive trees that have taken over the temples made it all seem so ancient. Stephane's favourite was the main temple of Angkor Wat. This is the temple that is the most intact and he enjoyed being able to see the architecture in its original state. At the end of the day, we climbed one of the temples and joined the masses to watch the sunset over Angkor Wat and then made our way back to our hotel for a much anticipated swim in the hotel pool.

The next day we flew into Krabi, Thailand, and after much debate about which island we should go to to find paradise we left for Koh Phi Phi. We arrived by ferry and although we thought it was incredibly beautiful, the crowds were not doing it for us, so we hopped onto a long tail boat to find a quieter bay. We arrived at Long Beach and found a fantastic bungalow up on the cliffs which had great views. We were also able to hike across to another bay and find an even more isolated beach that we claimed as ours for a morning. The water was the most beautiful colour of turquoise, so amazingly clear and warm as a bath. It made for wonderful snorkeling.

We are now slowly starting our long journey home. We're returning to Bangkok to catch a flight home, from the airport on Phuket Island. We have just a few days left, so we're making the most of them by staying at a lovely quiet beach resort on the north eastern tip of Phuket. Life's good and we're savouring every moment!

Love and hugs, and see you all soon!

Polly and Stephane

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