Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bangkok Adventures

We got into Bangkok in the middle of the night, after a very long 24 hour journey, which took us through Seoul and Taipei. Suprisingly, we've suffered very little jetlag! The first day we were up and touring around the city, negotiating our first tuk-tuk rides, brushing off the occasional con-artists and eating amazing Thai food at the night markets! We've been loving the 17 cent chicken skewers and the $2.50 dinners for two. Yesterday we headed to see the sights of Bangkok - massive reclining buddahs and sparkling temples.

Today we're off to Luang Prabang in Laos where the pace will likely be a lot slower than the craziness we experienced in Bangkok. We're happy to be escaping the urban jungle and hope to soon be lazing by the Mekong River .

We're off to catch our plane!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be careful not to drop your camera this time. Are you actually using the same one (repaired)? Anyhow, have fun.
