Sunday, July 20, 2008

Getting ready to go...

We're getting ready to go: planning, packing (carry on luggage only!), washing, organizing (not necessarily in that order). We purchased a camera that we hope will survive the journey. It's water proof (good for monsoons), dust proof (good for the big cities - Bangkok, Phnom Penh), and sand proof (good for the beach!). We're hoping to be able to update this blog and upload pictures every few days. Stay tuned!

Tomorrow, we're off to Bangkok. We'll be there for about 3 or 4 days, getting over our jet-lag, visiting sites, eating yummy food, and plunging into culture shock, maybe in the back of a tuk-tuk, with smiles spread wide across our faces!

Gotta go pack!!


Polly and Stephane


John said...

Have a great trip. We're already tuned in.

britt said...

Excellent.. will keep up with the blog! I didn't know you were going to Laos. I would recommend checking out Buddha Park just outside Vientiane. I also really enjoyed Vien Viang, tubing down the river was a big relief from the dirty air and heat in the capital (although I have heard that it has since become over run by tourists. There was also this fantastic swimming hole that Pauline and Roger knew about... we swam into a cave, the water was cold and clear and blue, it was the best part of my trip. Have a blast and safe travels!!! Britt

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

hope you have a great trip... and, i'm looking forward to following your travels.

here's a great site i've used in the past to research islands in thailand:

oh, and a great cheap place to eat in bangkok is called 11 Gallery on sukhumvit and soi 11:

Gengen said...

Good luck and have great fun in Asia! Your uncle Norm and I are heading for a one-month trip to Europe too. Let's chat on the road.

Carol said...

Kudos for buying carbon offsets from Planetair! For others who might be interested, the website is, and it's recommended by the Suzuki Foundation.

I'm sure you'll have lots of adventures!

DAD said...

Hey guys, what is up. We have no news on your blog. Hope everything is OK. DAD

DAD said...

OH, disregard my first comment.
DAD is Steph's dad by the way. I did not navigate the blog correctly.
Just saw your awesome postings. You seem to have a wonderful trip. Quite different from Austria a year ago, eh Steph.
Looking foreard to the nest postings.
Hugs DAD ;)

Anonymous said...

great well taken and stories well told

Just back in Calgary
Crete yoga in Greece was great, hot + windy
Provence was cool with Arles ,where Van Gogh produced half his lifetime production, a highlight
Saw 12 Van Goghs at the Dorsay in Paris

Uncle Norm