Monday, July 28, 2008

Lovin' Laos

Our flight from Bangkok to Luang Prabang, Laos, was 1 hr 15 min, but once we'd landed it felt like it was worlds away. Luang Prabang is a Unesco World Heritatage site, with a population of just over 100,000. We've been having an incredible time here and would highly recommend it. It has an interesting mix of asian and french colonial influences, which is seen in both the architechture and food (had amazing coffee and baguette for breakfast, for example, and then a fantastic lemongrass curry for dinner). In addition, it is chock full of "wats," or temples. These have their own unique Lao style and are a sight to behold. Each temple has its resident monks, ranging in age from about 10 to 20. There seem to be hundreds around the city.

We've also been visting temples in neighbouring villages and checking out the local crafts, as well as spending time doing not much other than wandering the streets (slowly, because it's so incredibly hot!!), and sitting down often for a cold drink.

We've also been to Tet Sae Waterfalls - amazing - about a half hour tuk-tuk ride from Luang Prabang (followed by a short boat ride up river). We had a bit of a swim in the pools and climbed up the limestone falls. Lovely and refreshing (did I mention how hot it is here?).

This morning we rose at 5:30am to watch the alms procession of Buddhist monks which takes place every morning. Hundreds of monks donning saffron robes making their way through the streets made for an incredible scene. A very peaceful way to start our day and the perfect way to end our time in Luang Prabang. Later in the afternoon, we made our way to the capital, Vientiene. We're only in Vientiene for a day, a stop over on the way to Phnom Penh (Cambodia), but it's given us the chance to check out a few of the main sights, one of which was That Louang, an amazing and beautiful golden temple.

Tomorrow, we're off to Phnom Penh to meet our housebuilding team and get started on the house building project!

We're doing great and hope you all are too.


Polly and Stephane

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's get the best deal & cheaper price with Lao Airlines,
Flight From Bangkok to Luang Prabang starting $136

Let's booking Laos Air Tickets with :